Mining & Mineral Processing

Mining & Mineral Processing

Membranes for mineral purification and element recovery

Ecotechnol has broad experience and expertise in the application of membrane technologies. Our specialised membrane technology can be applied to a wide range of mining applications, as well as water management and wastewater treatment. Our processes and treatment systems reduce harmful environmental impact, and have the potential to substantially improve process yields and operating profits.

Ecotechnol’s expert team have first-hand knowledge of the needs and priorities of the mining and mineral processing industry and apply this to the design, supply, and implementation of innovative and cost effective solutions. We will work closely with you to fully optimise all aspects of your mining operation, from extraction and mineral recovery, to the eco responsible treatment of effluent and waste water.

Ecotechnol Presentations & Process Applications

Ecotechnol’s membrane technology offers unique mineral separation and recovery techniques for the mineral processing industry. We help facilitate an effective balance between environmental impact and economic viability. We can design, supply, and install, cost effective systems to maximise productive and efficient processing operations. Our systems are purpose built, and designed to expedite the following processes:

  • Recovery of metals (some profitable)
  • Recovery of acids or caustic for re-use
  • Reduction of disposal costs
  • Environmental applications
  • Socially responsible processing

The projects we undertake vary in size, scope, and complexity, depending on specific requirements.

Metals such as copper, zinc, iron, nickel, gold and silver, can be extracted from large volume leach mining solutions, or concentrated to produce high quality process fluids. The unique selectivity of membranes, assists in removing metal impurities, and enables the production of permeate streams containing purified acid, or purified high pH cyanide solution.

Ecotechnol can apply membrane technology solutions for the treatment of acid mine drainage (AMD), in order to manage the flow of acidic wastewater, whilst cost effectively meeting surface discharge standards.

We are leaders in the management of process plant water quality, and the treatment of process wastewaters. Our processes allow the recovery of heavy metals and/or reagents, whilst also producing clean water that is environmentally safe.

Cyanide Recovery

Cost effective and environmentally conscious method for extracting gold using a conventional cyanide leaching circuit. It is particularly effective for treating gold ore deposits with high concentrations of cyanide soluble base metals. There are many profitable benefits for industry including:

  • The recovery and sale of cyanide-soluble base metals (copper, zinc, nickel)
  • Recovering additional gold
  • Minimising environmental issues by recovering and reusing cyanide, thus reducing consumption. Additionally, chemicals required for cyanide destruction can also be decreased, reducing the need for transport of chemicals to site.
  • Discharging water which meets environmental and health regulation standards.
Spent Acid Recovery

Separate and recover leach acid from hydrometallurgical operations. The benefits of this process include:

  • Reduced lime consumption required for neutralisation
  • A reduction in equipment size in downstream extraction/purification processes
  • The treatment of effluent enables the recovery of acid and valuable metals, and allows for the production of water meeting environmental regulations
Acid mine drainage

Treatment of a range of environmentally sensitive waste streams, and implement a tailored, cost effective, effluent treatment solution. The benefits to industry include:

  • The recovery of useful and valuable metals such as zinc, copper and nickel
  • Complying with environmental discharge regulations.

Our technology incorporates a specialised treatment process for dealing with high scaling environments. Our systems can achieve:

  • Substantially higher water recovery rates (up to 90%), than conventional treatments will permit.
  • Substantial lime reduction rates are also achievable (50-90%).
Caustic Recovery

Process provides efficient, cost effective systems to recover caustic and sodium aluminate from Bayer process streams. There are numerous benefits to this process including:

  • Reduced caustic consumption
  • Reuse/recycling of water
  • Minimising mineral losses

We have developed a range of modified nanofiltration (NF) membranes for various purposes serving a range of industries and applications. Our progressive technology offers a range of substantial benefits.

  • Fully containerized, transportable and modular systems – turnkey installations available.
  • Nanofiltration enables the effective physical separation of polyvalent ions from monovalent ions without the need for chemicals.
  • Nanofiltration systems are essentially modified reverse osmosis plants utilising our specially designed membranes. These systems operate at significantly lower pressures, resulting in reduced power costs.

Transportable Container

Ultrafiltration Machine

Nanofiltration Machine

Application of Ecotechnol’s Modified Nanofiltration in the Uranium Industry

Ecotechnol’s specialised membrane system is highly effective in concentrating uranium ions at high recovery rates. In addition, our nanofiltration systems benefit the uranium industry in the following ways:

  • Membranes purify bicarbonates and sulphuric acid permitting the recycling of these elements.
  • Reduction of the volumetric flow rate to downstream processes such as ion exchange.
  • Membrane systems can be used to treat contaminated sites with the possibility of recovering valuable minerals or other commodities
Ecotechnol Case Studies & Projects – Uranium Examples
  • Yanacocha- Heap Leach: RO plant post Merrill Crowe allowing discharge into the environment (3,500m3/hr)- 2003
  • Cobre Los Crucas- Acid Mine Drainage treatment for copper recovery (600m3/hr) – 2011
  • Phelps Dodge- NF and RO Acid Rock Drainage treatment for copper recovery (20m3/hr)- 2003
  • Sunrise Dam- UF/RO Plant prior to existing RO plant
  • Sun Metals Zinc Refinery (Townsville): NF and RO removal of boron from process water (250m3/hr)- 1999
  • Newmont Waihi- NF and RO removal of heavy metals from mine water prior to environmental release (250m3/hr)- 2008


The Use of Membrane Technology for Radionuclide Separations

Ecotechnol also provides industrial operations with highly efficient and effective membrane technology solutions for Radionuclide and acid separations. Our specialised membranes are:

  • Compatible with radionuclides and acid.
  • Able to operate in a high acid content environment, with equipment and a process designed for this purpose, either on vat leach solution or LIX strip solution.
  • Designed to maximise the reprocessing and recovery of valuable metals from tailings or tailings dams, through the use of a new hydrometallurgical process.
The Use of Membrane Technology for Radionuclide Separations
  • Acid recovery and purification – sulphuric/hydrochloric/hydrofluoric/nitric/phosphoric.
  • Alkaline recovery and purification – Caustic/potassium hydroxide/cyanide.
  • Water balance management, including recovery of waste water, and purification for reuse.
  • Removal of process contaminants to improve process yields.
  • Concentration of metals to improve yields in downstream processes.
  • Effluent treatment for the recovery and reuse of metals and reagents.
  • Nickel metal hydride battery reclamation.
  • Solar panel reclamation.
Additional examples of Ecotechnol’s broad range of membrane applications
  • Acid recovery and purification – sulphuric/hydrochloric/hydrofluoric/nitric/phosphoric.
  • Alkaline recovery and purification – Caustic/potassium hydroxide/cyanide.
  • Water balance management, including recovery of waste water, and purification for reuse.
  • Removal of process contaminants to improve process yields.
  • Concentration of metals to improve yields in downstream processes.
  • Effluent treatment for the recovery and reuse of metals and reagents.
  • Nickel metal hydride battery reclamation.
  • Solar panel reclamation.